MAMT||Museo Mediterraneo dell' Arte, della Musica e delle Tradizioni (EN)

Thanks to the Campania Region, the manager Anita Florio and the officials Federico Lomolino and Carmine Oliva, it was possible to supplement the 2021 Braille Call for Proposals with additional unused resources.
Thanks to these resources, the Fondazione Mediterraneo, together with volunteers and collaborators, has created tactile plaques and reproductions in addition to the existing ones, enabling the most significant works to be enjoyed by the blind by means of transcoding them into Braille.
This is particularly important for the large works - such as "The Last Supper" (4.5 x 2.60 m) and the Great Mihrab (9 x 1.60 m) - for which it is now possible to "touch" them and enjoy all the details with tactile Braille relief reproductions.A special thanks to the companies "Handy System" of Rome, "EdilSantagata" of Caserta and "Stampa Gargiulo" of Naples for the quality of the work carried out with passion.