Hosted by Prof. Asmaa Alaoui Taib, Professor at the ENCG of Fes - Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah University of Fez - was held at the Fondazione Mediterraneo in Naples the conference "ISLAMIC FINANCE: FOUNDATIONS, PRODUCTS AND REALITY IN MOROCCO".
The Islamic finance industry has become an essential component of global finance. It knows a tremendous passion and achieves remarkable growth not only in Muslim territories but also in non-Muslim countries where it is perfectly suited to cohabit with traditional finance. Morocco, like these countries, could not stay behind the development of Islamic banks. The kingdom is considered among the last Islamic countries to allow the activity of Islamic finance. After several years of waiting, the country has just acquired a legal and legal framework to regulate this activity on the Moroccan capital market.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of Islamic finance and to look at this industry in the case of Morocco. First, it exposes Islamic finance in its historical context, then exposes its fundamental principles and its different products. A comparative analysis of Islamic financing with conventional financing is also presented. Finally, it reveals the state of Islamic finance in the Moroccan context.