The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in Italy H.E. Taalay Bazarbaev adheres, on behalf of his country, to the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD.
In the presence of other Ambassadors and representatives of various countries, he attended the ceremony of ratification of the TOTEM OF PEACE as a symbol of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD. Emotion when the notes of the loudspeakers played, together with the hymns of the other countries, the one of Kyrgyzstan that in the first part reads:
"The white rocky walls and steppes are the soul of our people.
Our fathers lived in the mountains of Alatau and always protected their homeland.
Proceed Kyrgyz People on the road to freedom!"
Present at the ceremony a large delegation of Kyrgyz citizens.
At the conclusion the ambassador thus expressed:
"I thank for affectionate welcome in this Museum of Peace behind which there is not only the heritage of the city of Naples but of the whole world.
Today is a historic day because the TOTEM OF PEACE by sculptor Mario Molinari becomes the Symbol of the United States of the World. It is a beautiful initiative of Italy that I support and with me my country, Kyrgyzstan. This initiative will bring positive results. I want to congratulate the direction of the museum and wish happiness and success. Thank you very much".