The Union for the Mediterranean Sea (UfM) Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean Sea concluded yesterday with two political declarations: one between FOM Secretary General Sijilmassi and FAO's General Fisheries Commission and one between the 10 Mediterranean Ministers (Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain) to strengthen political commitment on the sustainable development of the Sea's economy through cooperation in the field of maritime safety, marine protected areas, fisheries, tourism, research and innovation. It was a significant step towards a projection of EuroMediterranean Campania.
The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo recalled the ancient friendship with the Secretary Fatallah Sijilmassi and the anticipation action taken by the "II FORUM CIVILE EUROMED" held in Naples 20 years ago with the support of the Campania Region: already then, the 3,000 delegates from 36 countries present in Naples addressed in a specific working session the same themes with proposals that are still today topical and in most cases advocated.
We hope that this new impetus can lead to the protection of the resource-sea, in a "closed" sea, such as the Mediterranean, which appears increasingly, every day, divided "by us" and not "among us".