Don Bosco||The Power of Love

The spirit of Don Bosco and the Salesians present in 132 countries of the world is renewed in the "Virtual Salesian Oratory" of the Museum of Peace - Mamt: a unique and fascinating experience through 12 emotional itineraries and a visit to the Chapel with the relic of the "Saint of Young People" At a difficult time in our history Don Bosco's message for young people and with young people is more relevant than ever and constitutes the antidote against all forms of radicalism and fundamentalism, helping young people to become "Producers of the future" and "Hunters of the positive". The virtual Salesian Oratory and the emotional paths "Don Bosco, Power of Love" are realized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the General Direction Opere Don Bosco in collaboration with the South Salesian Province and the Salesians from all over the world.




The general Superiora of the institute of Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (FMA), Mother Yvonne Reungoat, accompanied by the Inspector Suor Maria Rosaria Tagliaferri and proponents of Southern Province of FMA ( coming from southern Italy, Albania and Malta) met the youth of FMA’s schools entertaining with them and offering in gift “ The anchor” for a future of peace and cooperation and the title of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World".

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The general Superiora of the institute of Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (FMA), Mother Yvonne Reungoat, accompanied by the Inspector Suor Maria Rosaria Tagliaferri and proponents of Southern Province of FMA ( coming from southern Italy, Albania and Malta) were guests of Fondazione Mediterraneo’s  president Michele Capasso and the manager of Museum of Peace – MAMT Pia Molinari at the “ lunch of peace”; made with natural products of Campania by Mrs Giulia.
In the end, after the prayer, in chorus the joyful “ thank” by everyone!

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Sister Maria Pia Giudici prayed in front of the relics of San Giovanni Bosco kept in the Chapel of the Peace Museum - MAMT.
Accompanied by Don Mario Maritano, Sister Monica Angulo, President Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari expressed his excitement and appreciation for hosting the wonders dedicated to the Saint of the Youth in the Museum.

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Don José Luis Muñoz SDB, director of the ANS - Salesian News Agency, visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the paths dedicated to "Don Bosco, the Power of Love" with the "Chapel with the relics of the Saint of the Young".
On this occasion he congratulated himself on the site, which is a pride for all Salesians in the world, and gave President Capasso high definition videos on missionary and Salesian days in Latin America.

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A meeting with the headmaster and director of the Don Bosco Centre in Naples, Don Mario Delpiano, took place at the Fondazione Mediterraneo headquarters, during which the aims of the Valdocco project were explained, which since 2004 proposes an integrated experimentation programme for social inclusion and the fight against evasion, expulsion and early school leaving in pre-adolescence and adolescence.
President Capasso has assured the full support of the Fondazione Mediterraneo to continue this indispensable initiative, which constitutes a "strong signal" in a reality such as Naples, where the 50 children hosted in the school would be candidates to follow the path of crime and illegality.
For the event that will take place on May 31 at the Salesian Menichini Institute, President Capasso donated a chocolate egg with the surprise of football players Naples.

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On the eve of the feast day of San Domenico Savio,"holiness" is found in pedagogy of Don Bosco, which feeds the Centre of Tirana dei Salesiani directed by Don Matteo Di Fiore.Children in the first elementary classes joyfully repeat "WILL WE WANT TO LIVE TO COLOURS WITH THE HEART OF DON BOSCO".
They are the hope of Albania, they are the hunters of the positive and the builders of the future.

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During a visit to the Salesian Centre of Tirana, directed by Don Matteo Di Fiore, President Michele Capasso was able to verify the concreteness of Don Bosco's pedagogy, which is fully implemented in this place: From primary school to professional schools the Salesians - with Love, Dedication and Competence - accompany Albanian children on a training path that will lead them to specialize in computer laboratories, professional laboratories (electrotechnicians, bricklayers, electricians, plumbers, etc.).
And then the oratory, with about 1,000 children who between sports, dance, studies and games enliven the neighborhood and the main street that has now taken the name of "DON BOSCO".
Thanks and a "good" to Don Matteo for this work that honors the Salesians and is an example for Albania.

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The Eucharistic Celebration was held in Naples on the occasion of the Meeting of the Salesian Movement of the IME.

He celebrated Don Pasquale Cristiani, Inspector of the IME, present delegations from southern Italy, Albania, Kosovo and Zurich.

On this occasion there were the Jubilee anniversaries and the Inspector Don Pasquale Cristiani was greeted at the end of his mandate.
The Eucharistic Celebration was held in Naples on the occasion of the Meeting of the Salesian Movement of the IME.
He celebrated Don Pasquale Cristiani, Inspector of the IME, present delegations from southern Italy, Albania, Kosovo and Zurich.
On this occasion there were the Jubilee anniversaries and the Inspector Don Pasquale Cristiani was greeted at the end of his mandate.

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