Chaire Averroès (EN)

The Chaire Averroès was founded by University of Marrakech Cadi Ayyad together with Fondazione Mediterraneo, with the aim to set up a Chair coordinating the studies concerning the Euro-Mediterranean region.

It is a great contribution to the diffusion of ideas and knowledges in the Mediterranean, through intercultural, scientific and cultural exchanges and to the strengthening of the relationships between the two strips, so that knowledge of each other could become a key factor of peace in the region.

The name of Averroès was chosen in order to involve people living in the Mediterranean region in the dialogue of cultures.

The principal aims of Chair Averroès are:

1.  Exchange of knowledges and experiences. A person coming from one of the Mediterranean Countries will monthly lecture with the aim of creating a permanent structure for the exchanges.

2.  Research and PhD: seminars will be organized for PhD students involved in the Mediterranean area, in order to expand on their researches.

3.  The diffusion of an annual publication of the lectures texts and a summary of the discussions originated.

An agreement signed by Koïchiro MATSUURA, Director General of Unesco, Mohamed Knidiri, former President of University Cadi Ayyad and Director of Marrakech Office of FM, together with Accademia del Mediterraneo, founded in September 1999, the “Chaire Averroès”, Unesco Chair of Mediterranean Studies.

As part of the 11th Edition of Chaire Avérroes for the Academic year 2009-2010 under the theme "Jeunes et créativité, entre innovation et tradition" ("Youth and Creativity, between innovation and tradition"), Mr. Albert Jacquard: Lecturer, writer, French humanist and geneticist, led, in the Conference Center of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Marrakech, a conference entitled: "La construction réciproque des personnes et de l’humanité" ("The mutual Construction of people and Humanity").

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President Michele Capasso made a speech titled "Union for the Mediterranean: balance and perspective" at the 4th Conference of the 10th Edition of the Chaire Averroès at the Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakesh, that celebrates its 30 years of activities.

The Chaire Averroès was founded by Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakesh together with Fondazione Mediterraneo, with the aim to set up a Chair coordinating the studies concerning the Euro-Mediterranean region.

After the Conference President Capasso bestowed the Silver Dolphin Mediterranean Award to the memory of Ahmed Jebli, ex President of the University. (see the event)

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The 3rd Conference of the 10th Edition of the Chaire Averroès (Chaire UNESCO d´Etudes Méditerranéennes) of the Academic Year 2008-2009 was hosted by Mohammed Arkoun, professor at La Sorbonne (Paris III) and research Director of the Institute for Islamic Studies in London.

The conference titled "Penser la tolérance, l´intolérance et l´intolérable depuis 1945" took place on April the 7th at the Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty in Marrakesh.

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The 2nd Conference of the 10th Edition of the Chaire Averroès titled "Dialogue ces civilisations: Approche systématique et propositions d´amorcement prospectif" took place on March the 12th at the Conference Center of the Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty in Marrakesh.

The Conference was hosted by professor Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary General of La Rabita Mohammadia des Oulémas.

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The Inaugural Conference of the 10th Edition of the Chaire Averroès (Chaire UNESCO d´Etudes Méditerranéennes) of the Academic Year 2008-2009 (year of the 30th Anniversary of the Cadi Ayyad University) was coordinated by professor Rachid Belmokhtar, President of the National Observatory for Human Development and ex Minister of National Education.

The conference titled "Citoyen du Monde, Citoyen Tout Court: Un même combat pour des Valeurs Universelles" took place on January the 15th at the Conference Center of the Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty in Marrakesh.

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