Casa del Maghreb Arabo (EN)
26 July 2012
Iniziative (EN) -
House of the Arab Maghreb
On 26 July 2012, the “CASA DEL MAGHREB ARABO” was inaugurated in the historic building of the former “Grand Hotel de Londres”, currently the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo This was a historic day for Italy and Euro-Maghreb dialogue.”. The Mayor of Naples spoke of the event as a “historic day for Naples” and the UAM General Secretary Ben Yahia stated that “the Casa del Maghreb Arabo would play a major role in relations between Italy, Europe and the Arab Maghreb”. Among the many testimonies, the acting Vice President of the European Parliament Gianni Pittella declared that “the Casa del Maghreb Arabo" would given Naples a fundamental role in dialogue and cooperation in Italy and Europe. It was a major challenge but at the same time a unique opportunity for the Arab Maghreb and Europe”.The Director General of ALESCO Mohamed El Aziz Ben Achour praised President Capasso for having taken on this challenge which he said would be shared by everyone to assert the values of knowledge, understanding and peace. |
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