2013 (EN)

The President of Palestine Mahmūd Abbās (Abū Māzen), in the EUROMEDCAFE, CASA TUA FOR PEACE space, symbolically ate the “Bread of Peace”, made using an ancient Palestinian recipe from the Forno di Bianchina, representing the symbol of peace and sharing: this ancient tradition can be traced back to the holy scriptures.
The President expressed his enthusiastic support for this initiative by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
A numerous Palestinian delegation attended the ceremony led by the Palestinian Ambassador to Italy, Sabri Ateyehe, the Head of Palestinian Negotiations (former spokesman to Yasser Arafat) Saeb Erekat as well as ministers, diplomats and advisers to Abū Māzen.
Members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo spoke at the ceremony, partners in the “EUROMEDCAFE, CASA TUA FOR PEACE” programme, together with delegations from various countries including diplomats and representatives from cultural, scientific, political, religious and military authorities from different countries as well as Mayors who support the “Totem for Peace” (author Mario Molinari).

Dedication AR ENG IT

Speech by President Abū Māzen IT ENG

Press release FM 1

Press release FM 2

Appeals of the Fondazione Mediterraneo for Palestine

Press articles:
• Il Mattino
• La Repubblica
• Il Corriere della Sera

Web press

Biography of President Abū Māzen

Med News 1 2

Video 1

Video 2


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