2012 (EN)

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari - board member – took part in a ceremony in Erbil to commemorate the genocide of Halabja. On 16 March 1988, Saddam Hussein’s forces carried out one of its most ferocious attacks with chemical weapons and gas, annihilating the lives of thousands of innocent civilians and causing irreparable damage to survivors.
In his speech, President Capasso expressed his support for the cause of acknowledging the genocide, by reading the appeal he wrote and disseminated throughout the world in 1988, as a result of which 300,000 people signed a petition “IN MEMORY OF” this
Terrible crime against humanity.
On that occasion, President Capasso met the Minister for Martyrs and Anfal Affairs Aram Ahmed Muhammad, suggesting that the Totem for peace should be dedicated to honour the victims and create a virtual memorial dedicated to them.


The press release
The press
The appea
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