1990 (EN)

Predrag Matvejevic’ and Michele Capasso - in the framework of the project "Laboratory for the Greater Mediterranean" and the "United States of the World" - organised a first meeting in Naples entitled "THE MEDITERRANEAN AND MITTELEUROPA".
Experts and specialists from various countries participated. Among them: Claudio Magris, Khaled Fouad Allam, Nedim Gursel, Massimo Cacciari, Nullo Minissi, Biagio de Giovanni,  Naguib Mahfouz (from a distance), Vaclav Havel, Giorgy Konrad, Victor Zmegac, Francois Fejtò, Egi Volterrani, Luciana Stegagno Picchio.
At the end of the works, Egi Volterrani proposed a meeting with Gustavo Ról in Turin to deepen his idea of the "United States of the World".
This meeting will give rise to the volume "Epistolario dell'altra Europa" (edited by Predrag Matvejevic') and "Europa Orientale" by Nullo Minissi.