The Federazione Anna Lindh Italia, not-for-profit, shares the aims of the Anna Lindh Foundation: created in 2004 by the European Commission together with the 42 Euro-Mediterranean countries.
The Federation's objective is to promote, support and implement the cultural and social interaction between Italy and the Euro-Mediterranean countries in various fields of action including: art, architecture, archaeology, environment, crafts, youth, women, human rights, migrants, crafts, employment, training, education, education, childhood, sports, interreligious dialogue, legality, music, food culture, empowerment, tradition, tourism, social solidarity, exchanges.
In particular, the Federation intends to implement initiatives in favour of young people, especially aimed at restoring their hope and confidence through the promotion of the "true",the "beautiful" and the "good”.
19 January 2024
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)
Two hundred students from various schools in Campania gathered at the "United States of the World" headquarters for the "Italian Model United Nation" meeting, organised by the United Network Association under the patronage of the "United States of the World" and in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace MAMT.
On this occasion, all participating students and UNA staff were named "United States Standard Bearers of the World".
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07 January 2024
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)
Since its inauguration in October 2010 in the presence of the Presidents of the Parliaments of the world's major countries, the "Totem for Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari has been welcoming visitors to the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco.
At the start of the New Year, Prof. Abdelhak Azzouzi - SUM Ambassador - paid homage to the symbol of the United States of the World accompanied by the President of the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez Prof. Bousmina and other authorities.
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Naples - Rome - Jerusalem - Gaza - Warsaw - Bueno Saires
01 January 2024
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)
The "United States of the World" organised and participated in various cities on five continents in the "57th World Day of Peace", bringing the experience of 35 years of the "Peace is Action" programme.
On this occasion, Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso recalled the words of Pope Francis in his message entitled: Artificial Intelligence and Peace.
"Artificial intelligence," writes Pope Francis, "must be understood as a galaxy of different realities and we cannot assume a priori that its development will make a beneficial contribution to the future of humanity and to peace among peoples. Such a positive outcome will only be possible if we show ourselves capable of acting responsibly and respecting fundamental human values such as 'inclusion, transparency, security, fairness, confidentiality and accountability'.
The themes of peace and artificial intelligence were the focus of Secretary-General Michele Capasso's start-of-year message and Father Ibrahim Faltas' appeal from the Holy Land.
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06 January 2024
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)
A group of men and women of culture and science - coming from various cities in China and hosted by the "Anna Lindh Italia onlus Federation" - visited the United States of the World headquarters with the Peace Museum.
On this occasion, they were shown the main emotional paths and, in particular, the role of Marco Polo in bringing East and West closer together.
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New York
11 December 2023
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)

The United States of the World with the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the women's peace network "Kimiyya" support the third "World March for Peace and Nonviolence" that will take place in 2024 to denounce the dangerous world situation with growing conflicts, increased arms expenditures while, at the same time, in vast areas of the planet many populations suffer due to lack of food and water.
The main objectives are:
- Continue to create awareness that only through 'peace' and 'non-violence' will the human species open up its future.
- To make visible the various positive actions that people, communities and peoples are developing in numerous places in the direction of the application of human rights, non-discrimination, cooperation, peaceful coexistence and non-aggression.
- Giving voice to the new generations who want to take over and make their mark by installing the culture of non-violence in the collective imagination, in education, in politics, in society...
In the same way that ecological awareness has been installed in just a few years.
The central issues to be addressed are:
- The prohibition of nuclear weapons. Proportional disarmament and the renunciation of states to use war to resolve conflicts or to appropriate resources. "We are determined to avoid wars for future generations".
- The re-founding of the United Nations, including the addition to the Security Council of an Environmental Security Council and a Socio-Economic Security Council. "United Nations watching over all citizens of the planet".
- The creation of conditions for a fully sustainable planet, taking into account the fact that this is a limited space that we absolutely must take care of. "Earth is everyone's home".
- The integration of regions and areas with socio-economic systems in order to ensure well-being and resources for all, with the goal of eliminating world hunger in the next 10 years. "We want to eliminate hunger in human history".
The United States of the World says "No" to discrimination of any kind: gender, age, race, religion, economy, etc. "No human being above another". Nonviolence as a new culture and active nonviolence as a methodology of action. "Nonviolence is the force that transforms the world".
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