25 February 2006
The award ceremony of the "Mediterranean Prize for Culture 2006" took place in Algiers, in the presence of diplomats, journalists and "customers".
Among those present at the event were president Capasso and vice-president Arcidiacono of Fondazione Mediterraneo and director general of National Library of Algiers Amin Zaoui.
On this occasion, the memorandum of understanding for the "Library of Peace" in Naples was signed.
24 October 2004
The Awarding Ceremony of Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" 2005 took place at the Maison de la Méditerranée, and it was delivered to the Association of Architects in Naples. The award was bestowed to the President Paolo Pisciotta.
09 September 2003
On September 9th 2003 was held, at the Central Office of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, the solemn ceremony to award the Mediterranean Award Culture 2003 to H.E. Suzanne Mubarak for the essential role she had played in the realization of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
Among those present were Mr. Farouk Hosny, Egyptian Minister of Culture and Mr. Helmy Bedeir, Ambassador of Egypt to Italy. Mrs. Mubarak was welcomed by Mr. Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo; Mr. Antonio Bassolino, President of Regione Campania; Mr Claudio Azzolini Vice President of the Council of Europe, and by exponents of the international cultural world.
On this occasion, the agreement signed in June with the Alexandrina Library for the "Library of Peace" was ratified. SELF. Suzanne Mubarak and the President of the Campania Region Antonio Bassolino inaugurated the Library with its first endowment of 10.000 volumes.
26 June 2003
The Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina signed a permanent cooperation agreement to enhance the activities aiming at achieving one of the main objectives pursued through the realization of the so called “Fourth Pyramid”, that is the promotion of the protection and circulation of the book in the Mediterranean area.
Mr. Michele Capasso, president of the Foundation and Mr. Ismail Seragueldin, director of the Library, signed a protocol of permanent cooperation providing, among other things, for:
- the creation in Naples of the "Library of Peace" with an initial endowment of 10,000 volumes in various languages. The Library will be inaugurated in September 2003 with the presence of President Mubarak and his wife Suzanne Mubarak, president of the Alexandrina Library..
- lthe holding, every two years, of the Mediterranean Award in Egypt (the first outstanding candidate will be the Nobel Prize-Winner for literature Naguib Mahfouz).
- the realization of an Encyclopaedia of the Mediterranean, the publishing of books, monographs and reviews in collaboration with the “Mediterranean and Alexandria Research Center”, created at the Library.
- The organization of a Forum Euromed to discuss the theme “The Mediterranean City: its Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development”.
05 July 2000
During the solemn "rentrée" of the United States of the World, a ceremony was held to present the "Mediterranean Information Award" to journalist Igor Man, one of the most important experts on the Arab world. On this occasion, the decree of appointment as "Ambassador of the United States of the World" was handed over.
01 January 1996
The Mediterranean Award has developed as follows:
In 1996 and in 1997 the Fondazione Mediterraneo granted the Sarajevo Award to poets of the Balkanic area.
In 1998 were instituted the sections Peace, Culture and Laboratorio Mediterraneo International Award. The latter is granted every year to the best short film chosen by an international jury during the Trieste Film Festival (since 2010 this award has been Includeed in the section Mediterranean Cinema Award).
In 2001 was instituted the section Art and Creativity and the special edition of the Twenty year Anniversary of the Mediterranean Award in 2015 was instituted.
In 2002 were instituted the sections Diplomacy, Institutions, Media and "Silver Dolphin".
In 2003 were instituted the section Cinema, Mediterranean Award “Special Edition” (granted every two years to personalities and institutions which have given a great contribution to spreading culture and social solidarity) and “Medal Honour” of the Mediterranean Award (granted to institutions and individuals having distinguished themselves in the course of the year for the promotion of peace in the Greater Mediterranean).
In 2004 was instituted the section Science and Research.
In 2005 were instituted the sections Architecture and Euro‑Mediterranean Award for Dialogue between Cultures (the latter was instituted by Fondazione Mediterraneo in partnership with the “Anna Lindh” Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures – the Fondazione Mediterraneo being Head of its Italian Network).
In 2007 was instituted the section Mediterranean Book Award, acknowledgment granted for translation, publication, promotion, circulation of literary works on the two shores.
In 2008 was instituted the section Social Solidarity and in 2009 the section Environment and Co-Development.
In 2010 were instituted the sections Ambassador of the Mediterranean, Inter-Faith Dialogue, Economy and Enterprise, Energy and Sustainable Development, Cultural Heritage, Community Service, Civil Society.
In the same year it was also decided to dedicate three awards to the memory: “Raffaele Capasso” Mediterranean Award for Legality, “Angelo Vassallo” Mediterranean Award for Environment and Co-Development and “Rita Allamprese” Mediterranean Award for Children.
Since 2010 the Mediterranean Award is represented by the ”Totem for Peace” by the sculptor Mario Molinari.
In 2011 it was decided to dedicate the Mediterranean Award for Science and Research – instituted in 2004 – to the memory of Mario Condorelli.
In 2012 was instituted the section Mediterranean Award for Archeology to the memory of Marcello Gigante.
10 June 1992
On June 10, 1992, a meeting was held at the University Institute "L'Orientale" in Naples to establish the acronym for the "United States of the World".
The participants, members of the International Executive Committee, unanimously approved the proposal of Prof. Nullo Minissi, former Magnifico Rettore of the University Institute "L'Orientale" (from 19.02.1979 to 31.10.1981) and founding member of the Accademia del Mediterraneo, to apply the acronym SUM to all the languages of the world in which it will be translated "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD".
12 October 1991
The meeting of the International Executive Committee of the "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" was held at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies.
On this occasion, under the chairmanship of President lawyer Gerardo Marotta, the main aims of the United States of the World and the United States of Europe were defined.
21 September 1990
Accompanied by Mario and Pia Molinari, Michele Capasso met Gustavo Rol at his home in Turin in Via Silvio Pellico: just a few steps from the Molinari "House Museum" in Via Saluzzo in Turin.
"It was an extraordinary and enlightened meeting that changed my life," said architect Capasso. "The 'United States of the World' project will accompany all my initiatives from now on. It is an indispensable action to counter the enemies that humanity itself is producing and growing: destruction of creation with climate change, pandemics, social injustice, wars, destruction of fundamental values".
At the end of the meeting Gustavo Rol strongly recommended that we support the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD.
24 June 1990
Predrag Matvejevic’ and Michele Capasso - in the framework of the project "Laboratory for the Greater Mediterranean" and the "United States of the World" - organised a first meeting in Naples entitled "THE MEDITERRANEAN AND MITTELEUROPA".
Experts and specialists from various countries participated. Among them: Claudio Magris, Khaled Fouad Allam, Nedim Gursel, Massimo Cacciari, Nullo Minissi, Biagio de Giovanni, Naguib Mahfouz (from a distance), Vaclav Havel, Giorgy Konrad, Victor Zmegac, Francois Fejtò, Egi Volterrani, Luciana Stegagno Picchio.
At the end of the works, Egi Volterrani proposed a meeting with Gustavo Ról in Turin to deepen his idea of the "United States of the World".
This meeting will give rise to the volume "Epistolario dell'altra Europa" (edited by Predrag Matvejevic') and "Europa Orientale" by Nullo Minissi.