Fondazione Mediterraneo

The ceremony to present the Mediterranean Media Award to Le Monde Diplomatique took place on 24 October 2005 in the Sala Vesuvio at the Maison de la Méditerranée in Naples. 

In his acceptance speech, Director of Le Monde Diplomatique Ignacio Ramonet emphasised the long-existent synergy with the Fondazione Mediterraneo, and expressed hope for a stronger partnership in the Fondazione’s “Greater Mediterranean” project.

The following will be present for the ceremony:
Caterina Arcidiacono, Vice-President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo 
- Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo 
- Fabrizio Caròla, Architect, recipient of the 2005 Mediterranean Award
Carlo Gambalonga, Vice-Director of ANSA, recipient of the 2005 Mediterranean Award
Benedetto Gravagnuolo, principal member of the faculty of architecture, University “Federico II” of Naples
Predrag Matvejevic’, president of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Mediterraneo 
- Paola Pisciotta, President of the Order of Architects of Naples
Ignacio Ramonet, Director of “Le Monde Diplomatique”, recipient of the 2005 Mediterranean Award
Mario Rosso, delegated director of ANSA, recipient of the 2005 Mediterranean Award